An Integrative Mental Health Clinic

Mental health is a vital part of medicine affecting the individual’s drive to “get well” and “stay well.”

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ADHD doctor chicago

ADHD, BED, Anxiety, Depression & PTSD

Every person is unique and the key is in personalizing the right medication and the right dose.

genetic testing in chicago

Genetic Testing

We use gene-drug information to guide the correct medication choice for the individual, instead of trying different medications to find the right one.

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Medication management

We work with patients to create a personalized wellness plan and manage prescriptions and medications to best fit each individual.

psychiatric doctor in chicago

Psychiatric assessment

We take a holistic approach that the psychiatric symptoms are a part of a larger picture and believe in identifying and treating the root causes. We address the entire individual.

integrative medical doctor in chicago

Integrative and naturopathic medicine

Integrative psychiatry goes beyond what is offered by conventional psychiatry by screening for and treating a wide range of root-causes instead of focusing on silencing the body’s messages.

mental health doctors in chicago

Ketamine infusion therapy for treatment resistant depression

Ketamine therapy is a very effective tool for treating severe treatment-resistant depression.

psychotherapist in chicago

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy

We are now offering ketamine-assisted psychotherapy services for selected patients in a rigorously supervised and supportive environment.

Personal Therapist in chicago

Individual therapy

We view therapy as an integral tool to help our patients find balance and mental and physical health.